
Showing posts from September, 2018

No one is you and that is your power

Nothing and no one holds #power_over_you. You are the only one who decides when it’s #time_to_change. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call/Whatsapp us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. See You soon. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Time For Something New!

#Stop_waiting for #Friday, for #Summer, for someone to #fall_in_love With #You, for #Life. #Happiness is achieved when you stop Waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in #now. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call/Whatsapp us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. See You soon. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #familylifecoach 

Time For Change

You are what #you_think! And you can’t change anything if you can’t change your thinking. But are you ready for the silver lining? #YOU_CAN_CHANGE the #way you think. And if you can change the way you think, you can master a new way to be. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call/Whatsapp us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. See You soon. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

A Negative Mind Will Never Give You A Positive Life

Believing in #negative_thoughts and acting on them is the #single_greatest_barrier to living a #good_life. And if you allow these self-defeating thoughts to dwell in your #mind, they will succeed in robbing you of #peace, #joy, #productivity, #meaning, and #ultimately_your_life. You will #think_yourself into endless #disappointment, #heartache, and even #depression. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call/Whatsapp us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #See_You_soon. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

The most powerful weapon against stress

The most powerful #weapon_against_stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. It's about #training_your_mind to #see_the_best of what you #have_right in front of you. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call/Whatsapp us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. See You soon. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoact

The fact that you still say I Love You in the end

The #best_relationships are not just about the #good_times_you_share; they’re also about the #obstacles you go through #together, and the #fact that you still say #I_Love_You in #the_end. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Be Kinder

#Be_kinder than necessary. What goes around comes around. No one has ever made themselves #strong by showing how small someone else is. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Kindness is compassion and love in perfect harmony

The #way we treat #people we don’t understand is a #report_card on what we’ve learned about #love, #compassion and #kindness. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Calm is a Superpower

The real test always comes when you don’t get what you expect from #people. Will you react in #anger? Or will calmness be your #superpower? #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Choosing Happier

#People are much #nicer when they’re #happier, which says a lot about those who aren’t very #nice_to_you. #Sad, but #true. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Be kind today

Sometimes it is better to have #be_kind than to #be_right. We do not need an #intelligent_mind that speaks. But a #patient_heart that listens. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Be kind Today

Sometimes it is better to have #be_kind than to #be_right. We do not need an #intelligent_mind that speaks. But a #patient_heart that listens. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach

Be nice to people

Set an example. Treat everyone with #respect, even those who are #rude to YOU, not because they are always #nice, but because YOU are. And do your best to #be_thankful for the rude and #difficult_people too; they serve as great reminders of how not to be. #Do_your_best to realize this right now… Get #confidential_help_now.  Call us to #learn_more at 009613177833 and to #book_your_appointment. #PierreKallas #Executivelifecoach #PersonalLifeCoach #Familylifecoach